Aquesta setmana a l’institut fem d’amfitrions de 5 centres de diferents països d’Europa (Alemanya, Estònia, Holanda, Romania i Turquia) en el marc d’un programa ERASMUS+ en el que participem. En total seran 21 alumnes i 9 professors que compartiran amb nosaltres espais, aprenentatges, experiències i un, esperem, llarguíssim etc. La setmana estarà plena d’activitats diàries de les quals anirem informant puntualment.
Avui, 1r dia ERASMUS+ *NO WASTE* ha estat un dia de trobades, discursos i fotos oficials! Demà, dimarts, toca dia de feina. BENVINGUTS i BENVINGUDES!
This week at the institute we are hosting 5 centers from different European countries (Germany, Estonia, Holland, Romania and Turkey) as part of an ERASMUS+ program in which we participate. In total there will be 21 students and 9 teachers who will share with us spaces, learning, experiences and a, we hope, very long etc. The week will be full of daily activities of which we will be reporting regularly.
Today, 1st day ERASMUS+ *NO WASTE*: Day devoted to getting to know each other, speeches and photos! Tomorrow, working day!
#lentizlifecollegeschiedam #eleonorengymnasiumworms #colegiulNationalInformaticaMateiBasarab #MäetagusePöhikool #özelsîmgeortaokulu